2024 20 Books of Summer Sign Up

I am certainly way out of the habit of doing posts. A whole year. I’ve thought about it. I wanted to do the readathon, but missed it. I couldn’t have done it anyway as I had long plans that day, but I did miss doing it. So, for the seventh time I will endeavor to read 7 books in the summer period as set up by Cathy of 746 Books. Apparently it took me 4 years to find this challenge. I always enjoy it even when I flame out. I haven’t quite finished the list. I thought I would do some audiobooks which would make it easier to meet the challenge. This is a thing I’ve only been doing a couple years now. Thanks to a particular DJ who I don’t want to listen to. I’m better about getting through classics when there are fewer distractions, so it’s been pretty successful. I haven’t chosen the audiobooks yet, but I have a bunch of ebooks.

The Buccaneer King – about the pirate Henry Morgan

A Murder Too Many – E. X. Ferrars

The Black Camel – 4th Charlie Chan mystery, I believe

A Cabinet of Curiosities – Alan Kurzweil I’ve actually read this long ago, so I might switch it out.

The Case of the Solid Key – I’ve enjoyed other Anthony Boucher mysteries

Death in Ecstasy – Ngaio Marsh

The Long Divorce – running low on Gervase Fen mysteries

Evidence of Things Seen – 5th Henry Gamadge

The Enigma of Room 622 – Joel Dicker

Coroner’s Pidgin – the next Campion

Not only mysteries although I tend to read them faster, I wanted some variety.

Only 7 of these are really on the list.

The Mandelbaum Gate – I used to like Muriel Spark

The Lost City of Z – I read The Wager earlier this year and that was really good.

Bats in the Belfrey – E.C.R. Lorac books are being republished thanks to the Golden Age of Mystery renaissance.

A House for Mr. Biswas – V.S. Naipaul

The Naked Nuns – Colin Watson The previous one started off great, but then had a victim who underwent a far more horrible time than is usual in a mystery like this and I’ve had a hard time going back to him.

Gaudy Night – I haven’t read Wimsey in so long

The Metabphysical Club – might be too long

I have already read Ben MacIntyre’s Forgotten Fatherland, an excellent book about Nietzsche’s sister trying to set up a sort of Aryan paradise in South America. Busman’s Honeymoon comes after Gaudy Night apparently. Oops. I can’t figure out right now how to remove books from a collection. Not delete them, just not have them in the group.

Also possibly in the mix: Some Die Eloquent, which I picked out early and forgot.

I hope those of you joining in have a great summer full of great reading!

(Oh, and I’m going to start today! Usually I start on Memorial Day weekend because that marks the beginning of summer in the USA and I need all the time I can get, but I wasn’t organized enough so I’ve got a week less than I might have had. I will also go to Labor Day, which is September 2nd for the same reason)